Vacation and workout's, relaxing and dieting. Nope, they don't go together. I weighed after coming back from vacation. A vacation that I turned DOWN Cold Stone Creamery Ice Cream!! and the results were... +2 pounds.
I promise I stayed true to the diet/detox. I even went to the gym that ONE day. :)
But oh, well. I guess it could have been worse.
Honestly, I think what it really was...I can't go to the bathroom when I'm away from home. There's just something about not being in my own bathroom that causes my small & large intestine to shut down. I know some of you are laughing, but you know it's true! Add to the fact that we were camping and I had to walk to the bath house to go to the potty...oh yeah for sure shutting the whole system down.
Yes I am laughing....mostly because I cannot relate to that in any innards have no preferences...they are very selfish. It's all about THEM, doesn't matter WHAT I think or where I
anonymous was me by the way...don't know what happened
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