I know today's not the 7th day, but it was my 7th day. And it may not be considered a day of rest when you factor in a field trip, horsey time, a movie and the bookstore but it was my much needed day away from the house and away from the phone & the emails.
The field trip was a success despite the cold. Mac and I dressed in layers & did great until asked to sit "Indian style", we had so many layers our legs wouldn't go together. :) She & I had a great time together.
After school we went straight over to see Twister. We took him to the big pasture to run, which is always so fun. There is a field of rye planted behind the house of a friend where we take him to sometimes get fresh green grass. When he sees that big field of fresh green blades, there is no stopping him. Mac calls it "horse heaven". She stuffs her pockets full to take back to his pasture. Even the boys got involved today. Well, at least Miles did. He took the lead rope and ran with him. G is still a little "shy" around him. We stayed till dark just playing and visiting.
Today was report card day and all 3 made "A Honor Roll" so we celebrated by going to the movies. They chose "Tales of Despereaux" which was a great story of forgiveness, but I think I'm just so sleep deprived that I have to admit to dosing off a few times. :0
And what better way to finish the night...BooksAMillion. Everyone got to pick out a book, and I got to look at house plan books. Don't get any ideas, I have looked at them for 6 years, it's just a hobby. I think that ONE day I'll open one and see my dream house, yeah right. It was relaxing, I just couldn't get my legs to cross.
So, mentally it was a rest day for me.
p.s. I'm so proud of my honor roll students! It's been a big year for them & they've done so well.
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