Monday, January 26, 2009

9 wonderful years with Graham... Happy Birthday Son

We had a great birthday celebration w/ Graham today. I can't believe it's been 9 years ago. It was also 9 years ago that it snowed here and today it was 72! Funny that I remember that.
Stacy and I surprised him today and brought birthday snack to school. We had dinner together, which turned into a giggle fest. I look back over the last 9 years and can't believe how fast it's gone by. I can only imagine what the next 9 are going to be like.
Happy Birthday Graham. I'm so glad that God gave you to our family. You bring life, love & laughter to us all.

Mac's pageant pic

There is she...Miss. America

Success... or not

The pageant was a success. Mom made it through without any mind altering medication. :) McKinley had a great time. She looked beautiful. Surprisingly she was as cool as a cucumber all day. She never got nervous or anything. I thought maybe she might since it was her first one. We arrived early so we could get pictures and not be rushed. When it finally started she was ready.
The funniest thing about the whole day was at the end they brought all 65 contestants on the stage to announce the winners. We could not find Mac because she was several rows back. Then all of a sudden this little tiny hand pops up above everyone's head and begins the "princess wave" better known as the "screwing in a light bulb wave"...YES, it was my child. We all just died laughing. Then they began announcing the class beauties. They called her name out as the First Grade Class Beauty, so she's standing up front along w/ the other beauties and then she begins the "light bulb wave" again. TOO CUTE!!
So the day was a success. She had a great time, but then my friend Lisa asked her is she wanted to do it again, to which Mac replied, "YES!!!"... poor me:(

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Just news

Big weekend. Mac's pageant is today & Graham's birthday party is tomorrow after church. We tried to talk him into waiting till next weekend so we could have more time to plan it and invite his friends but to a kid - to wait one more weekend is eternity! So let's just get it all done.
I'm excited today because my sister in law is coming to see Mac in her pageant. But she's more than just a sister in law, she's my sister. I mean, come on, we talk way more than she and Stacy do! She's my friend... and if you know me, I only have a few. So that's why it's so special.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Add 1 more thing to the plate

So my daughter decided she wanted to be in the school pageant... ON SATURDAY!! :)
I was going to try and discourage her from being in it just because I believe in inner beauty. Then yesterday someone at lunch talked to me about letting her do this for her. SO, I've been running myself the last two days trying to get everything she needs.
She is super excited... we'll see what happens.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Speakin up on the roadside

Kudos to the city of Decatur for renewing my faith in people. Not that it had been lost completely, but it was just somehow buried in the mountain of negative media reports of a dismal economy, worst approval ratings, unhappy Americans, etc.
We had the honor of traveling to Decatur to pay tribute to a young man who was in our youth ministry for several years. SSGT Josh Rath was killed in Afghanistan by a suicide bomber. He was serving his country & protecting my freedom. He was an incredible young man with a wonderful family. I was amazed at the strength of his mother, father & siblings.
When we arrived at the funeral home I immediately began to cry. Just pulling into the parking lot you could witness the display of American flags being held by men who wore the stories of years of service and patriotism on their faces. They held those flags outside in the freezing temperatures the entire time Josh was there. Inside, leading into the viewing room were more flags being held by JROTC members from Josh's high school. The hundereds & hundereds that had come to pay honor & support the family for the weekend was unsermountable.
The funeral service showed the Army & church working together to pay honor to such a great young man. A 2 star General of the Army & several other high dignitaries were there to present medals & awards to Josh's family. They talked of how rare it was for someone to move up the ranks in the Army for only the 4-1/2 years that he served. Several members from his unit were there to pay honor. One even spoke of how Josh saved his life in 2006. You could still see the shrapnel that was embedded in his face. His brothers, sisters & fianacee shared stories of what a great brother, hero & friend he was.
As we exited the church & got into our cars to begin the procession to the graveside, nothing could have prepared me.
The weather was freezing. The wind was blowing so hard it would take your breath away.
But all along the road for 15 miles was common men, women & even children braving the elements to stand on the roadside to hold a flag or sign or salute. I even saw one woman looking at every car & mouthing the words, "thank you". The firetruck on the overpass had the ladder fully extended with the American flag blowing on the end. The firemen dressed in their full uniform and stood at attention for the thousands to pass. A children's daycare, the UPS man, the ChickFilA cow, the little boy that held the sign, "Josh is a Hero", hundreds & hundreds of people that some only could knod their head as you passed as a sign of thanks.
I cried the entire trip. I had a time to reflect where our country is & where it has been. That the people, if given the chance to speak will show the backbone of America. I was previleged to share with my son the impact and sacrafice that each one of those Americans were doing by standing on the roadside to show what they could- support.
Thank you for speaking up along a roadside where you didn't have to say anything at all.

I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free, and I won't forget the men who died and gave that right to me...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

on the 7th day even GOD rested

I know today's not the 7th day, but it was my 7th day. And it may not be considered a day of rest when you factor in a field trip, horsey time, a movie and the bookstore but it was my much needed day away from the house and away from the phone & the emails.
The field trip was a success despite the cold. Mac and I dressed in layers & did great until asked to sit "Indian style", we had so many layers our legs wouldn't go together. :) She & I had a great time together.
After school we went straight over to see Twister. We took him to the big pasture to run, which is always so fun. There is a field of rye planted behind the house of a friend where we take him to sometimes get fresh green grass. When he sees that big field of fresh green blades, there is no stopping him. Mac calls it "horse heaven". She stuffs her pockets full to take back to his pasture. Even the boys got involved today. Well, at least Miles did. He took the lead rope and ran with him. G is still a little "shy" around him. We stayed till dark just playing and visiting.
Today was report card day and all 3 made "A Honor Roll" so we celebrated by going to the movies. They chose "Tales of Despereaux" which was a great story of forgiveness, but I think I'm just so sleep deprived that I have to admit to dosing off a few times. :0
And what better way to finish the night...BooksAMillion. Everyone got to pick out a book, and I got to look at house plan books. Don't get any ideas, I have looked at them for 6 years, it's just a hobby. I think that ONE day I'll open one and see my dream house, yeah right. It was relaxing, I just couldn't get my legs to cross.
So, mentally it was a rest day for me.
p.s. I'm so proud of my honor roll students! It's been a big year for them & they've done so well.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Church Planting + Blogging = Failure :)

I promise I have every intention of getting back on the week :)
We are so, so close to launch Sunday and I have no words to describe how I feel some nights when I go to bed.
I'm actually sitting here now just waiting for the washing machine to stop so I can put the clothes in the dryer. Then I'm going straight to bed. It will be the earliest I've been to bed in weeks.
I refuse to get online and look for anything tonight. I don't want to shop for the best price tonight. I don't want to look for the best idea. I don't want to edit a website, a billboard, a banner, a mailer...nothing. I just want sleep. And lots of it. Did I mention that I have a field trip w/ hundreds of 1st graders tomorrow? :)
I tried to get everything done today so that I could enjoy my day tomorrow w/ my daughter. But it didn't happen. I still have 7 banners to design, a logo to design for shirts, a better price on a truss system, blah, blah, blah.
I spent days scouring over the web for tables & counters and then today my sweet, loving husband just goes to Sam's and buys 6ft. tables and says to cover them w/ a table cloth. He's still peeling himself up off the dirty kitchen linoleum floor that so badly needs to be swept and mopped. BUT who has the time? :)
I keep saying "where is the manual?". There should be a church planters manual somewhere!
When you look at it tho', we're blessed.
We are on the journey of our life. It's not about the "stuff"'s what it's always been about. Connecting Him to People, and that's what I love about what we do.