Thursday, December 18, 2008

Another night

Mac + bedtime = emotional

Tonight it was once again... Flossie. I finally just told her, "honey, what if she died, or something got her..." (I know not the softest marshmallow in the bag, but I was just trying to be realistic) And she replied, "But Mom, there's still a chance".
So, once again I lay in bed with her till her eyes were dry and she was fast asleep, thinking who needs a season finale.
I can't wait to give her the pony for CHRISTmas...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

85 a week B4 CHRISTmas makes you do crazy things

Ok, so it's hitting almost 85 degress here today. Unseasonably warm, and it's going to stay this way for several days. The kids got out of school yesterday and ALREADY my husband is wanting to give them their CHRISTmas presents early!!! WHAT??!! NO!!
"Well honey, if we give them to them now they will be able to play while it's still warm outside and they will get a whole extra week of playing while school is out!!"
It does make sense. But what about CHRISTmas morning? Are we just going to change the clocks and calendars around the house and convince the kids that CHRISTmas is already here???
I mean, who lets these kids out of school a whole week early? It would make more sense to let them go longer now and then start later in January so we can play with OUR toys longer!! Right?
So, decisions, decisions... What day is it?? Oh, look kids - it's CHRISTmas EVE!!!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Oh, I'm sorry this gift doesn't have my name on it...

This week has been a week of realizing our gifts & NOT realizing our gifts! :)
Someone told Stacy that most all church planters are "B" students. They can do just about anything, and do it good. "B" students are well rounded and can make it happen. They can have an idea or solution for just about anything.
BUT it's about us "B" students finding those "A" students to use their gift in their area. I've found this week that I don't want to know about how to design a website. I could care less about governmental paperwork. Forms, policies, & designs are wearing me out. I want a logo that when I look at it I say, "wow, I like that". Period.
Someone said to me last night, "well, why don't you just design it". They know me. They know I'm a perfectionist. But I'm a "B" student. I can lift the lid on an "A" student to use their gift, so that they are fulfilling their God given purpose.
I'm not going to lose sight of my "A" student ability...loving people.

"I had to settle in my heart that I was going to love the people more than I loved my ministry.”

I'm sorry this gift doesn't have my name on it, but I'll help you unwrap it.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Understanding God's favor

Seems like every chapter in our life has been a time that we look back and shake our head & wonder "how".
From early years of marriage when we lived on ramen noodles to now having 3 of the most wonderful, healthy children, I look back and say "how". Heck, I look at last week and say "how". But the only word I can use is God. He is so faithful. I don't understand His faithfulness. I don't understand why He picked me. I just know that I know that I know...I love Him more and more everyday. I don't deserve His favor, I don't understand it, and I don't think I can ever say "Thank you" enough.
It's no secret, everyone who knows me knows that mercy is not by best gift, but God is showing me something lately. I fail along the way. (I know it's shocking) I screw things up. I don't always make the right choice, but still He is faithful.
NOW, it's my turn to show the same mercy to someone else.
Thank you that you never leave me the same...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Somehow I just know it will be brighter...

I can't wait... we are putting up the tree tonight!! We usually put it up the day after Thanksgiving or the weekend before Thanksgiving, but since we moved we didn't have room to bring it all with us on the first trip down. So now our front porch is full of boxes and tubs of Christmas decorations. I guess we might look like the "Clampits" but I refuse to bring it in until "I'm ready".
Call it my childhood curse but I guess I just believe that the house has to be clean & perfect before we trash it with all the boxes and tinsel, stray needles and glitter.
I have to work by my system.
Of course, the clothes have to be washed. Who can put up a tree without all the clothes being cleaned? And the dishes...well, we just might need to use the kitchen sink, for um, um, something or another...And we must sweep and mop to insure every light works properly. And whoever heard of not vacuuming before you drag it all in off the dirty front porch?
But someway, somehow I just KNOW that it will all be brighter in my nice clean house :)

Monday, December 1, 2008

Home FROM the Holidaze

SO glad to be back in the swing of things at home, and yes it feels like it was all a daze. My first kidney stone. And please Lord let it be the last! I now have a new understanding of people who have been stoned. It feels like giving labor to a small horse kicking you in the back constantly.
Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!!