Saturday, March 7, 2009

It's that time of year again...

Take me out to the ball game...
The boys started their season today with a double header. What a gorgeous day to play. This is one of those years that the boys get to play together (which I LOVE) and it's now "kid pitch". So things are very interesting. Bases get stolen, kids get hit (which is not a good thing when your son is pitching). But for a mom, it's a perfect Saturday.
I love to watch them. There are good days and bad days, but we always try and find the key to build character in whatever the turn out is. I believe in team sports. I believe it builds qualities & provides times for us to reinforce character building foundations for later in life. They meet nice kids, hard to deal with kids, learn to listen, follow directions, etc. All kinds of things that can be applied to life.
I remember Dr. Rutland always said, "keep them busy & they'll stay out of trouble". If that's true then ours should be saints. :)
So when you call our house and don't get an answer chances are we are hanging out together at the ballfield... enjoying the best years of our lives! Turney5

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